We specialize in Aesthetic Medicine and Bariatric
Medicine (treating obesity). Our clinic staff includes
a Board certified Physician and nurses who are experienced
in weight management and aesthetic procedures.
The aesthetic medicine side of our clinic is focused on
improving a person's appearance through the use of
non-invasive and minimally invasive procedures performed
under the supervision of a physician.
We provide:
IPL Hair Removal
IPL Acne Treatment
Facial Rejuvenation
Restylane Injections
Botox Injections
Juvederm Injections
Aesthetic Products & Supplies
Obesity is closely related to multiple health problems,
including hypertension, diabetes, sleep disorders like
sleep apnea, and gastrointestinal reflux. It may be
associated with malignancy. Studies show that obesity
may aggravate symptoms of arthritis & chronic fatigue.
Our medical weight management program has helped many
to reach and maintain their healthy weight goals.
We help you control your cravings through low
glycemic index and medication.